Polish Oral History Association invites you for a lecture by Katalin Somlai, a Hungarian oral historian from the 1956 Institute Foundation.
The talk and the discussion will be streamed on our Facebook profile.
The lecure and the discussion after it will be in English.
Katalin Somlai ia a historian. She was a lecturer at the Italian Department of Janus Pannonius University (Pécs, Hungary) and the Teacher Training College of Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). She began to work as a research fellow for the 1956 Institute in 1992. After several studies on the history of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, her interest has focused on the cultural and social history of the Kádár era. She became head of the Oral History Archive of the Institute in 2009. She founded the content development visszaemlekezes.hu, which offers insights into the personal history of the 20th century. She is on the Board of Trustees of the 1956 Institute Foundation.